Some companies may offer lower pay but better benefits so their overall package is competitive with other companies. When I was younger and my goal was to invest as much money as I can, I tend to focus on the higher pay rather than the complete package.
I don’t really like to work too much overtime and only did it occasionally in order to further increase my income but not to the point where losing time for myself and my family becomes a norm. I have a rule that important family events and activities take priority over making extra money.
Some people work overtime too much and some even have second jobs. The problem with doing this too much is that you lose time for your self and your family and could have adverse effect on your health and relationship. Another drawback is that you also lose time in finding better opportunity and the time to learn how to manage and invest money properly. Talk to your family and agree on how much time you can devote to overtime work so that everyone is on the same boat.
Any extra income I get from overtime goes to contribute to my investment. My budget for the month or the year remains the same even if I received a larger paycheck. There is a set amount for enjoying life that costs money such as dining out and travel every year and I try to maintain it at that level even if I’m getting extra pay.
I stopped doing overtime work when I reached the point where my investment dividends and returns are already significantly larger than what I will get from working extra. I began looking for a job position that will give me more vacations even if there is no chance for extra income.
So find the balance and don’t sacrifice important moments of your life and your family while pursuing your dream. This is why you have to set your mind that becoming a millionaire is a long process so no need to rush it.