Options is a contract that gives a person the right to buy or sell stocks at a certain price point and time period in exchange for a premium for the contract. You can make or lose money from options if the price of the stocks goes up or down depending on whether you are the one selling the options or buying it. This can be difficult to understand and the risk can be high and should only be done by experts on trading.

Buying individual stocks is already very risky but you still have a chance to recover if you wait for its price to go up. It may end up not recovering and you eventually lose your money but at least you don’t have a time limit for your waiting period. However, with options trading, the contract has an expiry so you have a time constraint and cannot extend it if the price of the stock is not in your favor at the time of expiry. I don’t recommend you do options trading since I consider it as timing the market which is not a good investment strategy.