Time is your greatest ally when it comes to investing. The more time you have the more opportunities you will have to grow your investment capital. If you start at a young age and apply the learning that you will get from my notes here, you have a good chance of becoming a millionaire. If you think you are no longer young and have not started investing yet then read through my notes and you can still start doing it. I am emphasizing reading through my notes because if you start investing without the proper knowledge then you are likely to lose your money.
There’s no age limitation in investing but there’s an advantage to those who started early if they have the right knowledge. Remember that becoming a millionaire is a long term goal so time is a major factor in achieving it. This is usually a multi-decade process that’s why it’s important to be patient and enjoy your journey towards it rather than stressing your self by trying to achieve it quickly. The only way to achieve it quickly is by taking huge risks which is similar to gambling and you’re most likely to fail and lose your hard earned money.
If you think you are already old and have done no investing at all, then you can still do it provided you are just putting your money in guaranteed or low risk investments. You can still learn a lot from my notes and if you have children or grandchildren then you can share them the knowledge that you gain here. This can be a good legacy that you can impart to them and perhaps they will achieve the financial success and comfortable life that you wish for them.